Tuesday 24 May 2011


WIP sketch for a job (though I'm not saying what at the moment).

Monday 23 May 2011


Lazy first attempt at this guy.  I need to spend some actual time learning to draw these guys and LESS time doing lazy art.

2 days until I get Dragon Age 2!!!

Sunday 22 May 2011

Easter Panda

Found this in a pile of sketchbook stuff today.  Must have drawn Panda around Easter time.  This was pretty much how I felt too by the end of Easter Sunday!

Tuesday 17 May 2011


Not scanned anything new for a while.  Here's an old pen sketch of Robin that eventually became this picture

Saturday 14 May 2011

It has just occurred to me today that I am highly enjoying a cutesy cartoon with a baby dragon I adore...and at the same time I am playing a video game I love that partly involves brutally slaying the same mythological creatures... This is a cross-over that CAN'T end well (if only for my party members!)

Friday 6 May 2011

chibi sketches

Started these up for a meme I will probably not do anymore.  I still kinda like the Wander and Ezio ones.  May sketch up one more to balance it out and use them for something.

Yes, I do love Video Games very much. :)

old WIP stuff

Been busy and unable to upload stuff all week.

Here's an old WIP of Lambo, until I upload some more sketches tonight.